Sermons from November 2024

Sermons from November 2024


In John 18:15-27, the disciple Peter denies Jesus, not once, but three times. This betrayal marks a pivotal moment in Jesus’ final days as even those closest to him begin to turn on him, and betray their master. But Jesus knew this was coming — he even tells Peter this is going to happen in John 13. And unlike Judas, this isn’t the end of Peter’s…

A Necessary Betrayal

Betrayal is always one of the most painful feelings a person can experience, and it can be hard to see how this could ever be part of some bigger plan. Yet scripture reminds us that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”. In John 18:1-9, Jesus is betrayed by one of his closest friends. Yet we are…

Unity: Jesus Prayer for You

In John 17:20-27, Jesus personally prays for the believers that will follow on account of his message, and his disciples who shared it — that’s us! And what he prays for is our unity! But right now, to the outside world, the church really doesn’t look very united. So what is happening? Did Jesus prayer fail? Or are we missing something about what true unity…
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