Sermons by Luke Hughes-Bunger (Page 2)
The Betrayer and the Beloved
How do we respond to betrayal? Where do we turn when people turn on us? In John 13:21-30 Jesus is confronted with his imminant betrayal by his friend Judas. How did Jesus walk with Judas for so long knowing he was going to turn on him? How did he respond when the hour came? Why didn’t the other disciples realize he was never truly one of them? We look at this passage, and…
Devotion Drives Priorities
In John 12:1-12, Mary responds to her encounter with her messiah, following the resurrection of her brother Lazarus in the previous chapter. After understanding who she is, here she responds in worship, anointing Jesus feet with expensive perfume. We compare and contrast her reaction, the reaction of Judas, and the things the other disciples pick up on, and the lessons…
Hope and Heartache
Hope can be a powerful thing. In John 11, Jesus receives news that his friend, Lazarus is sick, and yet, instead of rushing seems to delay, so long, in fact, that Lazarus dies. Did Jesus go out of his way to deliberately destroy the hope they had, or could it be that his purpose was to allow them to understand hope in a much deeper way? When all hope seems lost, where do…
The Good Shepherd
In John 10:1-18 Jesus calls himself the good shepherd, and the door. It’s easy to overlook the significance of these words, and the deep meaning of what it means about him, and us! Domestic sheep have been called the most ill equipped animals for survival without a shepherd to lead and guide them, care for them, and protect them. We unpack this picture and think about…
(Mis)Quoting Scripture? John 7:38 and the Case of the Missing Cross Reference.
This morning’s reflection focuses on John 7:37-39 and the importance of “Systematic Theology” and “Practical Theology” in Christian life. It highlights how Jesus combines various scriptures to reveal deeper truths, urging believers to understand and love the scripture deeply to do likewise.
A Subtle Shift
What does Jesus mean when he calls himself the Bread of Life? We continue our journey in John’s gospel looking at John 6:25-51 and the way Jesus unpacks his previous miracle, when he fed the 5000. We explore the subtle shifts in understanding that he seeks to impart to the Jews — and us — that will make sense of these words.
Believing Without Seeing
We continue our journey through John’s Gospel, exploring the second sign Jesus performs in Galilee, demonstrating his divinity, and messianic identity. We think about why Jesus criticises the people of Galilee for not believing without a sign, and explore the nature or faith — placing trust in Jesus and taking him at his word, even when we don’t see it.
Never Thirsty Again
We move on to our next section of John’s gospel, looking at John 4, and Jesus’ decision to stop at Jacob’s Well in Samaria, and the woman he meets there. We explore this incredible, unusual interraction, and look at what we can learn as His people, about what it means to us, and to others, to have a message that will leave us “never thirsty again”.
John 3:16 — What is Love?
We continue our journey through the Gospel of John, looking at probably the most well known scripture in all of scripture — John 3:16, and the verses that surround it. We look at this well known verse — which has been shared and searched probably more than any other — and ask is there something more than meets the eye here. We assume it speaks of the…
What do you mean “Born Again”?
We continue studying the Gospel of John thinking about Jesus first encounter with the Pharisee Nicodemus. We look at the familiar, yet perhaps confusing, phrase “Born Again” and ask the question, what, precisely, did Jesus mean by that? If Jesus tells us that no-one can see the Kingdom of God without being born again, then it is essential we get our understanding of this…