Sermons from 2024 (Page 4)
Believing Without Seeing
We continue our journey through John’s Gospel, exploring the second sign Jesus performs in Galilee, demonstrating his divinity, and messianic identity. We think about why Jesus criticises the people of Galilee for not believing without a sign, and explore the nature or faith — placing trust in Jesus and taking him at his word, even when we don’t see it.
Never Thirsty Again
We move on to our next section of John’s gospel, looking at John 4, and Jesus’ decision to stop at Jacob’s Well in Samaria, and the woman he meets there. We explore this incredible, unusual interraction, and look at what we can learn as His people, about what it means to us, and to others, to have a message that will leave us “never thirsty again”.
John 3:16 — What is Love?
We continue our journey through the Gospel of John, looking at probably the most well known scripture in all of scripture — John 3:16, and the verses that surround it. We look at this well known verse — which has been shared and searched probably more than any other — and ask is there something more than meets the eye here. We assume it speaks of the…
What do you mean “Born Again”?
We continue studying the Gospel of John thinking about Jesus first encounter with the Pharisee Nicodemus. We look at the familiar, yet perhaps confusing, phrase “Born Again” and ask the question, what, precisely, did Jesus mean by that? If Jesus tells us that no-one can see the Kingdom of God without being born again, then it is essential we get our understanding of this…
Easter Sunday 2024 — The Titulus: Debt, Nailed to the Cross
This easter Sunday, we celebrate and remember the cross and ressurection of Christ. We focus on the meaning and value of the cross, a sign that “the record of debt which once stood against us” has been nailed to the cross, and, for those who are in Christ, we will no longer be held to account for…
Jesus First Miracle
We dive into the Gospel of John, looking at John 2:1-11, the wedding at Cana were we encounter Jesus’ first miracle — turning water into wine.We think about the oft-overlooked elements of this passage — why Jesus speaks to Mary the way he does, why he says his “time has not yet come” and yet still performs the miracle, and why his firs miracle seems so frivilous… why…
A Passion for Holiness
We continue our journey through John looking at one of Jesus most fascinating encounters in all of scriptire — Jesus cleansing the temple in John 2.We look at why Jesus felt compelled to act so publicly, and decisively, why the temple represents more than just a building, and how this one act prophetically points us to the ultimate sacrifice, that will drive out that…
What about Christian unity?
In our first gathering together, we think the reality that, while unity is the hallmark of the Christian faith, so often it seems that Christians seem to disagree on numerous points. What does the Bible say about this? Does disagreement and separation always represent a failure within the church, or are there ever positive examples of healthy, and beneficial partings? We…
How Do You Share It
We continue working through the Gospel of John, looking at John 1:29-51. After exploring the question of How Can We Not Share the good news of the Gospel last week, we then ask the obvious follow up question — how then do we share it with others? We look at the importance of sharing the gospel boldly, yet simply, beginning with our own experience of meeting Christ,…
How Can You Not Share it.
We continue our Journey through John’s Gospel, looking at John 1:19-28, and asking the question, when we understand the reality of the Good news of Jesus, how can we not share it. We look at the first person to point people to Jesus, the first messenger of the Gospel, John the Baptist, and the truth that, the very purpose of his ministry — and ours — is…