Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2024 (Page 2)

The Vine and the Branches

Jesus used many agricultural parables and pictures to help people understand his message. In John 15:1-11, John records for us one of these parables — the picture of the vine, and the branches. But in a world increasingly disconnected from the land, do we understand this picture? Do we recognize the powerful significance of this image? We look at this teaching, and think…

The Promised Comforter

In John 14:15-31 Jesus promises that his people will receive the Holy Spirit in detail for the first time. When he does, the things he says about who the Holy Spirit is, and what He will do in their lives that may surprise us, given our assumptions and preconceptions many may have about this, What does that mean for us as believers, and how do we live in the light of…

Greater Works Than Jesus: The Power Source

The desire for power and significance is a near universal human trait, Many people seek to find a source of power and influence, but power can also easily corrupt. In John 14:8-14, Jesus describes power in a very different way, and tells his disciples something that can be hard for us to eve wrap our minds around — that not only do his followers have access to the…

The Betrayer and the Beloved

How do we respond to betrayal? Where do we turn when people turn on us? In John 13:21-30 Jesus is confronted with his imminant betrayal by his friend Judas. How did Jesus walk with Judas for so long knowing he was going to turn on him? How did he respond when the hour came? Why didn’t the other disciples realize he was never truly one of them? We look at this passage, and…

The Servant King

In John 13:1-17, Jesus has just been welcomed in to Jerusalem as King. And yet, instead of basking in the glory of the people, he withdraws to be woth those closest to him.And one of his first acts is to wash their feet.What does this mean? For them, and for us, what do we learn from this powerful example of servanthood and humble loving care for his people?

The Theology of Unbelief

What do we put our faith in? What is the cause of both belief, and unbelief? How much patience can we have with someone who fails to see what seems so clear and obvious to us? In John 12:36-43, Jesus addresses the heart and root cause of unbelief, explaining why some will not believe, in spite of all of the compelling evidence they have given us, and in doing so, helps us…

The Messiah We Want: The Messiah We Need

Throughout his ministry, Jesus has made his identity abundantly clear — he is the promised Messiah. But as he continues the journey in John 12, that leads to the cross, the question is — Is the messiah the people want actually the messiah they need? Often people imagine they can rewrite their script, according to the own preferences, and when this happens, when it comes…

Devotion Drives Priorities

In John 12:1-12, Mary responds to her encounter with her messiah, following the resurrection of her brother Lazarus in the previous chapter. After understanding who she is, here she responds in worship, anointing Jesus feet with expensive perfume. We compare and contrast her reaction, the reaction of Judas, and the things the other disciples pick up on, and the lessons…

Hope and Heartache

Hope can be a powerful thing. In John 11, Jesus receives news that his friend, Lazarus is sick, and yet, instead of rushing seems to delay, so long, in fact, that Lazarus dies. Did Jesus go out of his way to deliberately destroy the hope they had, or could it be that his purpose was to allow them to understand hope in a much deeper way? When all hope seems lost, where do…
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