Sermon Archive (Page 2)

Sermon Archive (Page 2)

Audio recordings of our weekly sermons are available here.

You can also visit our Logos Sermons page for sermon slides and additional notes.

Jesus Before Pilate

Christian creeds affirm the truth that Jesus “was crucified for us, under Pontius Pilate”. This truth, historical and factual, grounds the Christian faith and gospel narrative not in the realms of mythology, but history. In John 18:28-40, we read about this time when Jesus stands trial before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, at the request of the Jewish…


In John 18:15-27, the disciple Peter denies Jesus, not once, but three times. This betrayal marks a pivotal moment in Jesus’ final days as even those closest to him begin to turn on him, and betray their master. But Jesus knew this was coming — he even tells Peter this is going to happen in John 13. And unlike Judas, this isn’t the end of Peter’s…

A Necessary Betrayal

Betrayal is always one of the most painful feelings a person can experience, and it can be hard to see how this could ever be part of some bigger plan. Yet scripture reminds us that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”. In John 18:1-9, Jesus is betrayed by one of his closest friends. Yet we are…

Unity: Jesus Prayer for You

In John 17:20-27, Jesus personally prays for the believers that will follow on account of his message, and his disciples who shared it — that’s us! And what he prays for is our unity! But right now, to the outside world, the church really doesn’t look very united. So what is happening? Did Jesus prayer fail? Or are we missing something about what true unity…

The Lord’s Other Prayer

In John 17, Jesus prays what is probably his most powerful prayer in all of scripture. While perhaps less known than the model prayer He teaches his disciples when they ask him — the prayer we often call the “Lord’s Prayer” — the prayer he prays here is far more personal, and powerful even than that! This morning, we look at John 17:1-5,…

Joy from Sorrow

Sometimes what looks like defeat can actually be victory, and what appears to be a victory may be a defeat. But how do we respond when we don’t see the full picture, and can we always see the difference? Jesus was “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief”. In John 16:16-22, we look at how he prepared his disciples for the grief and sorrow that they would experience…

Haters Gonna Hate

In the gospels, Jesus makes many good promises to his people. The promise that we will be hated and persecuted is perhaps one we’d prefer wasn’t there! In John 15:18-6:4, Jesus reminds his disciples that following him will set them at odds with the world. But why does he tell them this, and what can we learn from it? Is there really any value or benefit in…

The Vine and the Branches

Jesus used many agricultural parables and pictures to help people understand his message. In John 15:1-11, John records for us one of these parables — the picture of the vine, and the branches. But in a world increasingly disconnected from the land, do we understand this picture? Do we recognize the powerful significance of this image? We look at this teaching, and think…

The Promised Comforter

In John 14:15-31 Jesus promises that his people will receive the Holy Spirit in detail for the first time. When he does, the things he says about who the Holy Spirit is, and what He will do in their lives that may surprise us, given our assumptions and preconceptions many may have about this, What does that mean for us as believers, and how do we live in the light of…

Greater Works Than Jesus: The Power Source

The desire for power and significance is a near universal human trait, Many people seek to find a source of power and influence, but power can also easily corrupt. In John 14:8-14, Jesus describes power in a very different way, and tells his disciples something that can be hard for us to eve wrap our minds around — that not only do his followers have access to the…
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